We have NSTRA German Shorthaired and Setter Champions. Our first was Locknload Dandy
Mo, followed by Locknload Fancy Ticked Cash, Locknload Reba, Locknload Holding Card
(Diamond), and Locknload MC Badlands Dutch
Locknload Fancy Ticked Badland Sky is our young upcoming stud. Locknload Impressive
Kimber beginning trial placement was first place. Locknload Sweet Adelaide (Addie) is a
granddaughter of DC-3x NSTRA Gambles Odyssey Fritz, which is the most American Titled GSP.
Locknload Kennel, LLC produces dogs we all like to hunt/trail behind. They are competitive,
stay busy, and do their work with extreme style and intensity. When the work is done they are
happy to spend time with the family.
We have several NSTRA German Shorthaired and Setter Champions. Our first was Locknload
Dandy Mo, followed by 7x Locknload Fancy Ticked Cash, Locknload Reba, 2x Locknload Holding
Card (Diamond), and 3x Locknload MC Badlands Dutch.